Without electronic truck scale zero tracking device, first be set to zero, then the value determination of the applied weights by zero the last index value, the calculation error of zero.
Equipped with auto electronic truck scale zero and zero tracking device, the indicating value out of automatic zero and zero tracking range (such as adding 10e weight), and then in accordance with the flash point method to calculate the zero error, can also through the keyboard commands or special switch to normal mode of automatic zero or zero tracking device temporarily can not afford according to the function, flicker point method to calculate the zero error.
To determine the accuracy of peeling device, should be on the carrier and load of a weight, then start peeling device operation, the value is adjusted to zero, then press the flicker point method to calculate the peeling operation after the "zero error"; if the accuracy test peeling device directly after removing skin weighing test, the "zero" error is the error correction in the Eo (Ec=E-Eo).
Zero before loading: for non auto electronic truck scale zero (now rare), the small weight 0.5E is placed in the bearing device, adjusting the truck until at zero with zero index value of the last flicker, remove the small weight, to obtain zero center. Zero at zero, no deviation, semi automatic zero, zero device of automatic zero or zero tracking electronic truck scale mostly semi automatic zero setting device, namely, by starting a zero bond zero. Electronic truck scale automatic reset device almost no, rules to regulate it is given to the study and development of technology.
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